Saturday, May 31, 2008

We're Baaaack!! has been so long since we updated. I couldn't believe that it had been over a month. I just dumped a bunch of pictures that we've taken over the past couple weeks. There isn't a lot of news from here. Henry has 4 days left of kindergarten. We're all excited for summer break. I'm mostly excited because I"m so tired of having to get everyone up, in the van, drop Henry off, pick him back up.... Ugh!!! We're ready to just play. I'm sure I"ll be ready for school to start again by,.... July, but we'll enjoy ourselves and try to have a lot of fun. Charles took swimming lessons and LOVED them. He and Henry will both take lessons again once school is out. Min is still a wild man and is hard to keep up with. He's still a talker and wants to do whatever the brothers are doing... which is really scary. In the backyard. I've been trying to get some pictures appropriate for his 18 month photos. However, he's too fast.
I really like this picture of Charles. I just wish the sidewalk wasn't in the background.
Our silly boy. He has such a variety of facial expressions. It's funny to watch him.
Speaking of fast, this is Min when he got into the tub with Henry.... in his jeans.

This is what happens when you let your 6 year old watch the last 15 minutes of Rocky III. He immediately began trying to box everything. His tae kwon do pads served well has boxing gloves. Charles wasn't very happy when Henry tried to box he chased him around with a plastic sword.
This is a typical day at our house. Henry is 'walking the plank.' Charles had been waiting at the bottom of the ladder with a plastic sword but decided to fix the swing instead.

We filled up Min's little pool on one of our warm days. They would fill up the bucket and Henry got stuck when he tried to sit in it. As you can see, Charles thought it was pretty funny.
I really liked this picture of Charles. Too bad the strainer is in the background.
Wrestling in the front yard.
Sword fighting on the deck.
Charles and Min helping Henry get out of the bucket.
Those pictures are pretty typical of life around here. Pure chaos most of the time...loud almost all of the time....some crying and lots of laughing. I've pretty much given up on ever getting my house in order. I feel very productive if I manage to get everyone dressed and fed. I'm always behind on laundry but feel okay that they always have SOMETHING that is clean to wear. I'll try to do better about updating more often!