Thursday, April 19, 2007

A really busy day

I was so proud of Henry and Charles for the wonderful present they gave Andrew the other day. They gave him his very first virus-induced fever since he's been home. We're so proud!! Yes, Andrew did get sick...exactly what the big boys have. Only his included vomiting up his formula....occasionally on the floor. I had cleaned it up but the spot was still wet. Travis walked over it and asked, 'Who peed on the floor?' I'm not sure who he thought would do that since our older boys are very well potty-trained, and Andrew wears a diaper. And it certainly wasn't me. He also has a fever, cough, etc. but seems to be in pretty good spirits. He stills smiles a lot. I took him in to the doctor this morning to make sure he didn't have any other issues--I was a little worried about dehydration-- and, lo and behold, it was a miracle!! We got to the office and he smiled and kicked his legs at everyone he saw. Our doctor came in and it was the same thing, only he knew he wasn't feeling THAT well since he wasn't quite as manic as the last time he was in. Anyway, he's a baby with a cold, cough, and fever.

I took Charles in this afternoon--12:45 p.m. which is not a time I would ever willingly choose to bring my 3 year old, sleep-deprived, prednisone-laden son in to the doctor. He had a few behavioral issues while he was there. I took him down for a chest xray, and then returned to the doctors office with results. Good news!! He doesn't have pneumonia...just bronchitis and hyperinflated lungs. The latter is due to his asthma. Apparently, it is because the air goes into the lungs but has trouble coming back out causing his lungs to become hyperinflated. Very interesting to look at on the x-ray. He has been such a trooper taking his prednisone that I told him I would take him somewhere for breakfast tomorrow after his last dose. He is still having quite a bit of coughing, especially with activity, but is much better than even yesterday. He is still exhausted and asked to go to bed at 6:15 p.m. I was glad to oblige. He fell asleep in about 3 minutes which is very unlike him. He's a singing, tossing, turning, kick the covers and the wall before going to bed kind of boy.

Not much other news, except we are exhausted tonight. A few sleep-deprived nights with Charles took its toll. And now to start over with Andrew... well, let's just say they're working really hard to give us baggy, bloodshot eyes. Oh wait... we already have them. When we got home from the Clinic, the boys were tired and hungry and so was I . I ordered pizza for supper and it came before Travis got home from work. We talked about how we should wait and eat with dad....while we were eating!! Sorry Dad!! We were just too hungry. And then a good friend took pity on us and brought us a strawberry pie. Oh we are so lucky!! Thank you for the pie!!

1 comment:

Chris said...

hope everyone will be feeling better soon, Calley! :)