Sunday, December 9, 2007

Lots of pictures!!

Life has been a little crazy since getting back from ND. It took a few days just to get settled back into a routine, and then to prepare for Christmas. It seems to take a little longer with the boys since they are always so helpful and Min is turning into such a busy boy that you can't get much done before he needs to be rescued. He's always liked to sit at the piano and 'play.' But, not he's
learned that actually crawling onto the piano is so much better. Now, he would climb up to the very top if I let him. He zooms up the stairs with no trouble, but still isn't much interested in coming down. Thank goodness!! We have just one step into our family room and he stands at the top of that and yells 'bow' (down) until we come to get him. Interesting, since he knows how to get down off the couch.
We did get the Christmas tree up and decorated....FINALLY!! We had it up and I went to string the lights (which worked perfectly BEFORE I put them on the tree), strung them and then had to take them down and restring them with new lights. UGH!! Then the boys helped me decorate as you can see above. If you look carefully, you can see that most of the ornaments are toward the middle of the tree. I gave the boys directions as to whether an ornament could go toward the bottom (meaning it was safe for Min to take off the tree), or at the top. So far we've done okay with no broken ornaments.
Min found some glitter in the box. Thankfully, the cap stayed on until I could rescue it.

This is the newest stunt of our little mountain goat. I had left a box of wet wipes next to the toy box and he used it to climb on top of the box and stand up to look out the window. Imagine my surprise when I turned around and saw him standing up there!!
Henry had his first tae kwon do tournament on Saturday. It was here in town at a local school. Henry did great!! There were three competitions--board-breaking, form, and sparring. The competitors were grouped according to belt color and general age.
Henry got a silver medal in form and board-breaking, and a bronze medal in sparring. He looks pretty serious but he was very proud.

Charles and Min with some much needed play time in the school lobby.
This picture is for Gramma Marsha so that she can see how well her grandson is protected. This picture doesn't show the mouth guard, shin protectors, or 'nut cup' that he's wearing. Henry was pretty proud of that protector, apparently, since we heard him tell 3 other students (girls) from his TKD class that he had one.
Henry with his 3 medals.
We went to the TKD school Christmas party afterwards which was a lot of fun. Great food, music, games, and goody bags for the kids meant everyone had a lot of fun. Min entertained a few with his dancing.

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