Thursday, March 20, 2008

An attempt at bilingualism

Min is obsessed with the Korean online dictionary. Here is a link Our agency sent it to us. We can't walk past the computer without, 'kwaja, kwaja...' which, I've been taught, is how you say 'cookie.' And then, when we sit down to listen, we hear 'more, more.' We had to put on a couple videos of Min repeating the words. Enjoy!!

We still have sick family members. Min has an ear infection..though he's much better now. Charles is going back to the doctor today for an eye issue. He had pinkeye a couple week ago, was treated, and has had clear eyes for about 10 days. Yesterday, i picked him up at preschool and it looked like he had been punched in the eye. Doesn't look like pinkeye, but maybe allergies? Anyway, so goes the illness saga at the Paul house.

The next couple weeks look to be busy. Easter this weekend, we're planning a trip to ND to see our families for spring break (if all kids are well), and then Henry has a tournament on the 12th. By then, I am convinced, it will truly be spring. The very best thing we did this past week is set up the trampoline. I do love the trampoline!!! I know that there is a lot of concern about safety, but we insisted on the safety enclosure and it is truly a great family activity. We have had more fun and laughs on that thing... it was definitely worth the price.

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