Saturday, December 20, 2008

A Dangerous Boy

I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when I heard Charles yell...'Mom!! Min's washing his hands in butter.' This cannot mean anything good and, sure enough, when I get to the dining room this is what I found. I guess you could say that is my own fault. I am the one who left him all alone at the table with an open tub of margarine. What else would you expect a 2 year old to do?
This is just a run-down of pictures of what a typical day with Min is like. He is relatively high-maintenance...or, like our friends told us, he's like a 2 year old on speed. He might be busy, but he has a wonderful personality, loves to laugh and be 'cited' (as Min says..excited), and is incredibly funny.
He has figured out the great benefit of chairs. Yesterday I had no chairs left at the table. One was next to the stove where he had been helping me cook. The other was at the light switch where he likes to turn the lights on and off, one was at the front door where he is trying very hard to learn to lock and unlock the doors, and the other was at the computer desk.

The next picture was accompanied by Charles yelling...'Mom!! Min is doing something dangerous!!" When I got into their bedroom, this is what I found.

No, Charles is not sitting on the roof of the bunkbed, but Min is. Thank goodness he isn't that heavy or it would have broken. When I got in here he was picking the bumps of texture off the ceiling.

Just relaxing... in a box? I guess that's okay. He was reading 'Good Night, Moon.'

And, after he managed to snag a roll of paper towels.
This is why I am seldom very productive during the day. I have to weigh the benefit of getting something done versus the potential chaos that Min could cause.

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