Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Vacation begins....

Christmas vacation began with a snow day.... I was very relieved since it meant that I did not have to be at Panera at 6 a.m. to buy gift cards for Henry and Charles' teachers before Travis left for work and I had to get the boys to school. We all slept in!! What a treat after a busy week of Christmas programs, Christmas parties, and just getting ready for the holidays. Of course, Christmas break also means that I would have all 3 boys home all day for over 2 weeks. The weather is terribly cold which means going outside is not a good choice. What to do. What to do.

We tried bowling. Henry loved it. Charles spent a lot of time figuring out how the balls come back up the machine. Also, with questions about how the pins get picked up and where the ball goes at the end of the alley so that the machine can bring it back to us. That would be Charles, our boy of questions. Min thought bowling was okay at first but soon became bored watching the ball roll down the alley. That might be because it probably took at least 30 seconds for it to make it from his hands to the pins. I wasn't at all sure that it would even make it to the pins.
It also seems that sword-fighting with wrapping paper is a great activity. The paper wasn't wrecked, nobody got hurt, and after about 15 minutes of running around the house swinging wrapping-paper-swords they had burned off just enough energy to keep them from really fighting with each other.

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