Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Still on Korea time

Well, Andrew has done great getting home and being sorrounded by two wild older brothers. The boys are loving him, but are at times a little over-helpful. They both want to feed him, hold him, talk to him, etc. He's a little overwhelmed by all the noise and attention. I managed to sleep for about 3 hours before he woke up last night. My mom and dad were still awake so they played with him while I updated on our trip. He was up for a couple hours and then back to sleep. I just slept in the bed with him which is what he's used to. He slept like that with his foster mom. He was fine, but I woke up at every little noise, and then he would wake up hearing me. At one point, he slept on my chest for a couple hours. That was when we moved from his room to mine, and then Charles and Henry ended up with as well. A little crowded...I guess that's what they mean when they talk about 'family beds.' We moved back to his room and then slept until about 6 a.m. My mom got up and took him and I went back to bed for awhile. After lunch, Andrew fell asleep and the boys laid down with me to read books. We all fell asleep for 3 hours. Wow!!! That was the best nap ever!! I'm feeling pretty good. Andrew has a stuffy nose and a little cough. We're hoping it doesn't turn into anything more. We have an appointment with our pediatrician on Friday.

It was Travis' last day at his old job today. He starts his new job tomorrow. I feel badly that I'm so distracted I haven't even been able to think about the stress he must be feeling. The boys will be going to Ja Neal's tomorrow...the first time since we got home. They seem excited to tell all their friends about their baby brother. I have a few errands I need to run tomorrow as well. My mom and dad are leaving on Thursday, and I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I go from having 2 kids, to having 3 kids that are all being cared for by others (vacation for mom in Korea), to having 3 kids with 4 adults around, to having 3 kids with just me. Travis has to work on Thursday. Yikes!! I'm not sure what I'm in for, but hopefully we won't have to leave the house. I'm going to add some more pictures. Hopefully, it turns out better than yesterday. Now that I've already written, I'm wondering if I should add the pictures first. Oh well. Here goes!!

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